The Ai-BotYou Reference Checker Bot is an innovative tool designed to streamline and optimize the job reference request process. With advanced artificial intelligence technology, this bot transforms the way references are collected and analyzed, providing an efficient and reliable experience for both companies and referees.

To get started, customize the initial message the bot will use to address referees. This message sets the tone for the interaction and reflects the seriousness and professionalism of your company. Then configure key details such as the candidate's name, your company’s name, the position the candidate is applying for, and any other relevant information.

Once the bot gathers the references, they can be sent directly to your email at the end of the interaction and are also stored in the control panel for later review. This system ensures not only the collection of valuable data but also its easy access and management.

In addition, the Ai-BotYou Reference Checker Bot includes the same advanced options as the Bot Interviewer, including video recording for Business and Professional plans, and the use of the GPT-4 model for more detailed and in-depth interactions.

The control panel is a powerful tool that allows you to access transcripts and detailed reports of each collected reference. Manage your bots, enable or disable functions, and review the collected information with ease and efficiency.

With the Ai-BotYou Reference Checker Bot, obtain job references quickly, efficiently, and automatically, ensuring a more comprehensive and reliable personnel selection process. Experience the evolution in reference checking with Ai-BotYou.


Enter the information that the Bot will need for the interaction.